The supply and demand is the number one cause of the capture of dolphins every year. When you support captive facilities you are basically shaking hands with the killers. Every bottlenose dolphin sold to a captive park brings big money up to $155,000 US dollars.

Please take a few moments to read this article, from a few SeaWorld caretakers. Three Former Employees Reveal The Shocking Realities Of SeaWorld's Dolphin Feeding Pools - Read the article from the Dodo here.
One of the deaths at SeaWorld Orlando: SeaWorld Orlando says an adult male Atlantic bottlenose dolphin died Friday at the theme park. (Notice they don't name the dolphins - Why you ask, because they are taught that if they don't have names the public won't become attached and ask about them or miss them)
The cause of the animal's death was not immediately known. The 22-year-old dolphin had not shown signs of illness before its death, according to Fred Jacobs, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment's vice president of communications.
Jacobs said SeaWorld's veterinarians have begun a postmortem examination to determine the cause of death. The results of that examination could take 6–8 weeks.
"The dolphin, one of more than 80 bottlenose dolphins living in at our Orlando parks, will be missed by all of us at SeaWorld," Jacobs said.
According to SeaWorld, most bottlenose dolphins live 20 years or less, but studies have shown they can live into their 40s and 50s. And SeaWorld claims on average, bottlenose dolphins in marine parks and aquariums live longer than their counterparts in the wild, and are expected to live more than 25 years. (source: